Academic Affairs

Faculty Executive Committee and General Faculty Meetings

Information provided below serves as a summary only. Definitive wording can be found in the Faculty Manual.

FEC Meeting Minutes (Note: File access will require logging into Nexus)

General Faculty Meeting Minutes (Note: File access will require logging into Nexus)
The General Faculty is directed by the FEC committee and will meet in three regular meetings during the academic year and in three or more informational sessions. Additional meetings of the General Faculty may be called according to other provisions in the governance system.

Reservations for 6 Douglas Place may be made through the 25 Live reservation system, and the calendar of existing reservations is there as well.

-- Guidelines for Use


  • Develop the agenda & provide supporting materials for all General Faculty meetings

  • Serve as a nominating committee to submit names of candidates for each office or committee position subject to election by the General Faculty

  • Advise the Administration on all matters of concern to the General Faculty

  • As members of the Planning & Priorities Committee, propose appropriate levels for the faculty salary budget to the Administration

  • Revise the faculty constitution and bylaws to be in accord with the governance system and to establish orderly means to accomplish the business of the General Faculty


  • Faculty Compensation Committee


  • Comprised of a Chair, a Secretary, and four additional faculty members who shall be the four heads of the Academic Divisions

  • Terms are three years