Admissions Office
Glory Moncion Allen '24

Glory Moncion Allen '24

Job Title
Admissions Interviewer
Admissions Interviewers

Why did you choose Union?
Coming from a huge city, I found myself hooked on the idea of attending a large university where “more” would be provided. Little did I know that Union would offer me a two-for-one deal; a small school with a lot of energy and opportunities. During my search process, my mentor, who is a Union graduate, introduced me to Union and helped me recognize the benefits of a small liberal arts college. I had the opportunity to explore Union and attend a student interview, which allowed me to feel a sense of belonging through our conversation and connection. Ultimately, when receiving my acceptance letter and finding out I was a part of the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), I knew that I would be entering my college journey with thirty other students who I can relate to and call a family for the next four years.

How do you describe Union to your friends and family?
I would describe Union as a tight-knit community; a home where I can excel athletically and academically in order to reach my full potential through personal and educational growth. It’s where I have the benefit of a small school and can build one-on-one relationships with my professors, but also have the opportunities and deep-rooted school spirit that larger universities boast about. Never would I have thought that grabbing lunch with your professors was possible with their time commitment. But here at Union, professors make it possible and take time to assure their students are well physically and mentally. It is the place that made me who I am today. Would I do it all over again? The answer is yes!

What has been your favorite class assignment at Union?
It was my very first college essay in my first year inquiry class. The prompt was “what brings you happiness,” and throughout my writing I shared that there is beauty in the struggle and that my happiness stems from my struggles. To this day, I reflect on the piece to remind myself of how far I have come in life despite many challenges and reasons why I need to keep pushing forward towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

What is your favorite thing to do in Schenectady?
Volunteering and inspiring the local youth in the public schools and meeting Schenectady locals to strengthen the ties to the community.