Communications & Marketing

Media & Public Relations

Elevating Union's reputation

The role of our Media and Public Relations professionals is to serve as official spokespeople for the College and act as liaisons between Union and the local and national media. They work to secure media coverage of Union events and accomplishments, help members of the campus community respond to media inquiries and publicize Union news by writing stories for the website on a daily basis.

Union's PR and Media Relations team is committed to raising Union's profile in the national media. But in the last few years, traditional media coverage of higher ed has declined sharply due to dwindling resources and the rise of "new media." As a result, campuses must be more discerning in distinguishing what is truly newsworthy (i.e., likely to have broad appeal) from what is merely noteworthy.

If you have an event, accomplishment or potential story you'd like to publicize, please contact our office to discuss your options.


Phil Wajda

Director of Media and Public Relations

(518) 388-8394