Mathematics Department

Why Study Mathematics?

A degree in mathematics can prepare you for a wide range of careers. The 2021 Job Ratings from CareerCast selected mathematician, statistician, data scientist, and actuary all in the top ten jobs. Other options for math majors after graduation include careers in finance, law, the sciences, teaching, business, and many others.

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Mathematics is not only a career path, but it also represents some of one of the greatest achievements of the human mind. Beginning nearly ten thousand years ago, the development of quantitative methods was a crucial factor in the rise of urban civilizations and the invention of writing. Ever since then, mathematicians the world over have combined practical problem-solving with creative exploration to make important contributions to disciplines ranging from astronomy, philosophy, and architecture to physics, painting, engineering, media arts, and genetics. As a math student, you can investigate intriguing and profound questions including “What is the shape of the universe?”, “How do we know for certain that mathematical statements are true?”, “How far can I trust computer security protocols?”, “Are there different sizes of infinity?”, “How does the FDA decide if a drug is safe and effective?”, and countless others. Mathematics has been one of the universal elements linking different cultures and disciplines throughout human history and its importance will only grow in the future. There is also an aesthetic side to mathematics, and it can be appreciated purely as an intellectual activity for its beauty and its ability to hone the mind.