College Grants & Sponsored Programs

NSF Grant Supports Measuring and Modeling Collective Intelligence

Publication Date

Collaborative Research: Measuring and Modeling Collective Intelligence
The National Science Foundation
Division of Information & Intelligent Systems, Cyber-Human Systems Program
Award Amount: $173,908 | Effective Dates 01/01/2010 – 12/31/2015 | Award ID: IIS-0963404
Project Personnel: Principal Investigator Christopher Chabris (Psychology)
Project Summary: The “holy grail” of artificial intelligence research for decades has been to design computers with robust, integrated, human-like intelligence. This goal has proven elusive, in spite of a massive amount of research. But another goal is just now becoming feasible, and so has been the subject of much less research: using vast computer networks to create new kinds of intelligent entities that combine the best of both human and machine intelligence. One key to designing such human-centered computing systems is better ways of measuring the collective intelligence they exhibit. That is the focus of this research, which represents a collaborative effort among researchers at MIT (lead institution), CMU and Union College. The results of this research will be of interest not only to researchers in computer-supported cooperative work, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence, but also more broadly to fields such as cognitive science, social psychology, and organization theory.