Workday 4 U


Frequently asked questions

General Questions

Change Agent Network

  • What is a Change Agent’s role?

    Change agents will communicate with co-workers, colleagues, and others on campus to provide information on the Workday project. Specifically, you will help the College get everyone ready for the transition to Workday with tailored communications on the project status and training needs for each audience. Agents will gather feedback from peers, and bring to our attention issues, problem areas, misunderstandings, and areas of resistance. Change Agents may also be asked to participate in other aspects of Workday 4 U project.

  • How will the Change Agents be kept aware of the project?

    Change Agents will receive communication templates from members of the Change Management Team, currently Ellen Yu (Union) and Kathleen Bertolini (Accenture), to review, tailor, and discuss with peers. Until the project wraps up in late 2024, Change Agents will meet regularly with the Change Management Team to receive updates, give feedback, and receive support.

  • How much time is realistically required to do the Change Agent job?

    Change Agent activities typically average 1-2 hours every other week, depending on the phase of the project and any related issues. Since the Change Management Team will provide materials and guidance, most of the Change Agent’s job is talking to colleagues. Some examples may include lunch and learns, existing team meetings, and casual conversations. Ideally, Change Agents should touch base with their fellow team members weekly, bring up a few points about the project, and gather any feedback.

  • How will Change Agents be recognized?

    Although the time commitment is minimal, Change Agents have a pivotal role in the project’s success. Supervisors are expected to work with Change Agents to incorporate project activities into existing work. Supervisors are also encouraged to recognize this role (time spent, skills obtained, etc.) in their Change Agent’s performance planning feedback and career development plans.

  • What incentives are provided to Change Agents?

    Change Agents will have first-hand knowledge about many aspects of the Workday project and the opportunity to influence the communications and training, pointing out issues that the core project team members may have missed. The experience that the Change Agents gain will assist them during and after changes are implemented. They will be well-prepared to use Workday and have full understanding of its capabilities and benefits. They are typically regarded by their peers as the person “in-the-know.”

  • What if we have more than one Change Agent from our team? Who reports on our status?

    Several departments/areas have appointed multiple team members within their department to act as Change Agents. It is expected that teams with multiple Change Agents will arrange for one Change Agent to coordinate and collect the status for their area and report it to the Change Management Team each month.

  • When faculty and staff have questions or feedback regarding information I’ve presented, what should I do?

    Share questions and feedback with the Change Management Team.

  • What is the go-live date for the Workday project?

    The go-live date is when everyone on campus will start using Workday for Finance, Payroll and HR functions. The Workday 4 U Platform will be used starting on July 1, 2024.

  • Will demonstrations and training be available?

    Demonstrations and training will be provided as the project progresses. Communications regarding demonstrations and training will be delivered through the Change Management and Training Teams.