Kaitlin Staudt
Areas of expertise
Global Modernist Literature, World Literature
Teaching interests
Global modernist literature, the Turkish novel, Women and Gender studies, World Literature, and Postcolonial literary theory.
Under review: State-sponsored Modernity and the Modernist Novel in Turkey: 1908-1948
Journal Articles:
"'Move Forward and Ascend!' Temporality and the Politics of Form in Turkish Modernist Literature," Modernism/Modernity. Volume 30: Issue 4, November 2023 (print) and June, 2024 (online).
“The End of Great Periods: Late Ottoman Decadent Poetry and the End of the Ottoman Empire,” Volupté. Vol 6: Issue 1, 2023.
“World Literature Bigger Than Five: Contemporary Turkish Fiction and State-sponsored Literary Politics,” Journal of World Literature, Volume 7: Issue 3. 2022: pp. 369–384.
“(In)visible Beauty Queens: Literary Modernism and the Politics of Women’s Visibility in Turkey.” Feminist Modernist Studies, Volume 2, Issue 3. 2019: pp. 287-303.
“Original resemblance: the function of similarity in Tanpınar’s 'Yaz Gecesi.'” Middle Eastern Literatures Volume 20, Issue 2. 2017: pp 215-231.
book chapters:
“Imperialism and Literary Modernism in the Turkish Republic” in The Cambridge History of Middle Eastern Modernism. Forthcoming with Cambridge University Press, 2025.
“Daughters of Educated Men in the World: Halide Edip Adıvar, Virginia Woolf, and the aesthetics of Turkish-British international exchange” in Virginia Woolf and Turkey. Forthcoming with Bloomsbury Press, 2025.
“Introduction,” in Global Modernisms and Asia’s Other Empires Essay cluster. Accepted & forthcoming at Modernism/Modernity for publication on the Print+ platform.
“For/Against the World: The Politics of Literature in the New Turkey” in Turkish Literature as World Literature, edited by Burcu Alkan and Çimen Günay-Erkol. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
“Turkish Modernism” in Global Modernists on Modernism anthology, edited by Alys Moody and Stephen Ross. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.[Winner of the 2020 Modernist Studies Association Book Prize for an Edition, Anthology, or Essay Collection]
Editorial Contributions:
Editor, “Global Modernisms and Asia’s Other Empires” Essay cluster. Forthcoming at Modernism/modernity for publication on the Print+ platform.
Editor of Turkish Modernism Section in Global Modernists on Modernism anthology, eds. Moody and Ross. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
“Civilizational Change and Inner Man [Medeniyet Değiştirmesi ve İç İnsan]” by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and “Some Thoughts about Poetry [Şiir Hakkında Bazı Mülahazalar]” by Ahmet Haşim in Global Modernists on Modernism anthology, eds. Moody and Ross. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Additional media
"The Empire that Can't Write Back: Ottoman-Turkish Literature and the Question of Postcoloniality," ACLS Project Development Grant - applied 9/2023, received 5/2024.
Academic credentials
BA English & French, Wellesley College; MS Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present, Faculty of English, University of Edinburgh, UK; MPhil, Modern Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford, UK; PhD, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford, UK
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