Catching up with...

"Catching Up With..." Each week a faculty or staff member is profiled. Answering a series of short questions, the profiles are intended to be light, informative and conversational.

Catching up with...Angela Commito

On the weekends, you can find Angela Commito scouring estate sales and antique shops for good finds – she especially likes rugs, textiles and ceramics.

Catching up with...Marc Donovan '05

Marc Donovan ’05 is director of Facilities and Campus Planning and has been at Union College for 11 years. Being an alumnus and part of a team that is responsible for the care and custody of the institution makes the job very special for him.

Catching up with… Sonia Sandoval '16

By day, she is a learning experience designer, helping to support faculty through course development. Evenings and weekends, she combines music, art, technology and science as the multidisciplinary artist DJ RVMBA.

Catching up with…Karen Brison

Karen Brison, the Roger Thayer Stone Professor of Anthropology and department chair, grew up in Toronto, Canada, a culturally-diverse and accessible city.

Catching up with…Annie DeLoid

Annie DeLoid grew up in Plymouth, Mass., and came to Union from Stevens Institute of Technology where she was the program’s first full-time assistant volleyball coach.