Locally-grown produce available for campus delivery

Publication Date

By: Andy Zou

Hungry for food? Want to change your eating habit? These thoughts were on the minds of numerous faculty and staff who have pushed to make the College a drop-off location for the produce company--Field Goods.

Field Goods delivers local, non-GMO produce to workplace and community locations across New York state. The produce varies seasonally depending on the crops grown at 80 local sustainable farms along the Hudson Valley. During the winter, Field Goods delivers spinach, frozen corn, apples, pea greens and fingerling potatoes. As spring arrives, a standard delivery bag contains a different set of produce like cherries, orange beets, spicy salad mix, swiss chard and snap peas.

Subscribers receive five to eight different types of fruits and produce, along with information about how the food was produced and preparation suggestions. The selection range is wide and diverse. Field Goods boasts that a total of 150+ varieties of fruits and vegetables, and more than a dozen types of local cheese and artisan breads are in stock.

Faculty and staff who are interested in Field Goods can sign up online and receive their packages inside Facilities Services. The order deadline is Tuesday by midnight. Their is a minimum order requirement of $15. Orders can be picked up every Friday 2:30-4:30 PM. The College’s private pick-up location allows Field Goods to expand its customer base and cater to its market more effectively. They supplement the public pick-up locations, and helps to close the gaps within our food system.