Union students present at APS fall meeting

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APS poster presentation

Three Union physics students accompanied presented at the New York State section of the American Physical Society's fall meeting.

Accompanied by Samuel Amanuel, associate professor of physics and astronomy, and Seyfollah Maleki, chair and professor of physics and astronomy, three students presented their research. Christos Kakogiannis '22 presented a poster on detecting cosmic ray muons supervised by Jef Wagner, assistant professor of physics and astronomy. Martin Pargiello '22 presented a poster on observation of Koronis asteroids supervised by Francis Wilkin, senior lecturer, and coauthored by Patrick Bowles '20 and Jason Sindoni '21. Daniel Resnick '21 presented a poster on modeling stellar wind collisions supervised by Wilkin and coauthored by Owen Connolly '21.

The presentations were well-received and in par with poster presentations of graduate students from other institutions. Resnick was exceptionally recognized and awarded first place.