Are you ready for one of the best weekends on campus?

Highlights include:
A Conversation with Ilene S. Landress ’83 (Friday, 3 - 4:30 p.m.): Celebrating her 40th ReUnion, Ilene S. Landress ’83 joins us for an exclusive conversation about her career and the lessons she has learned along the way. Ilene is a two-time Emmy Award winner and an executive producer at HBO. Her credits include “Succession,” “Girls” and “The Sopranos,” among others.
Looking Back to Go Forward (Friday, 3 - 4 p.m.): Join Dr. Aaron Feingold ’72, in conjunction with Chabad at Union, as he shares select items from his extensive Judaica Collection, which has been exhibited around the world, including in the White House.
Engineering Welcome Home Reception (Friday, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.): Help us celebrate the return of civil engineering after 21 years, and the addition of environmental engineering. Have some fun and enjoy some BBQ with faculty and students, and learn all about everything that these two exciting programs have to offer. Jenn Currey, associate dean for engineering and director of the Templeton Institute, will offer remarks.
Celebrate U (Saturday, 11 a.m. – Noon): A congratulatory celebration, during which Alumni Council Gold Medals will be awarded to Thomas Ackerman ’63, Patrick DiCerbo ’88 and LeAta Jackson ’88, and we will recognize the achievements of this year’s ReUnion classes. The ceremony closes with the Senior Handshake, a symbol of Union camaraderie through which the 50th ReUnion Class welcomes the Class of 2023 into the alumni body. The ReUnion picnic (Noon - 2 p.m.) immediately follows Celebrate U.
Coffee & Conversation on Mental Health with Doyin Richards ’98 (Saturday, 2 - 3 p.m.): Recharge mentally and physically with coffee, cookies and a conversation led by best-selling author, TEDx speaker and mental health advocate Doyin Richards ’98.
Lobster Fest (Saturday, 6:30 – 9 p.m.): Enjoy a traditional lobster dinner and the sounds of The Ill Funk Ensemble. Registration for seafood options includes steamed lobster, steamed littleneck clams, BBQ ribs, honey thyme glazed chicken breast and all the fixings. The non-seafood option excludes lobster and clams. Both options include an open bar for beer and wine.
Powering Union: The Campaign for Multiple Tomorrow’s Celebration (Saturday, 8 - 9 p.m.): Enjoy an ice cream social to celebrate the successful completion of Powering Union: The Campaign for Multiple Tomorrows. The annual ReUnion fireworks extravaganza will follow.
Leadership in Medicine (Sunday, Noon - 3 p.m.): Dr. Ajay Major ’12 will speak to students about his research and experiences after Union. A graduate of Albany Medical College, Ajay is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where he specializes in lymphoma. He is also a physician-publisher in the medical education and narrative medicine spaces.
For more details or a full schedule of events, visit the ReUnion website.