Crime and fire prevention
Crime prevention is everyone's responsibility. Interested members of the College community can contact the Department for further information, or to schedule presentations. Steps that can be taken to help reduce crime include:
- Identify all personal property and turning in an inventory list to the Campus Safety Department.
- Be alert to dangerous situations or suspicious activities. Report them as soon as possible to Campus Safety at (518) 388-6911.
- When calling Campus Safety with a complaint, give as much information as possible.
- Keep residence halls, rooms, and office doors locked.
As with crime prevention, fire prevention is a community responsibility. The Department will make presentations on request. Many residence hall fire safety regulations are listed under the section on the Residential Community. However, below are a few additional steps which can be taken to prevent fires and fire-related injuries:
- Immediately evacuate, in an orderly manner, any building you are in when the fire alarm sounds.
- Never tamper with any fire-safety equipment.
- Never smoke in bed.
- Never overload electrical circuits.
ID cards
ID cards are issued to all members of the Union College community. This is done to identify you as a member of the campus community. You must carry your ID card with you and are required to produce it upon request of a member of the Campus Safety Department or other authorized agents of the College. Refusal or failure to produce your ID card may result in conduct charges.
Snow removal
Snow removal is a vital grounds keeping duty. Your cooperation and assistance in this effort is required to maintain safe passage into and through the campus. Snow removal plans include a priority list of roads and parking lots with those of critical need receiving first attention. All persons using campus parking lots must, upon proper notice, remove their vehicles to a designated area on or off campus until snow removal operations are completed. All vehicles which have not been removed after proper notice, will be moved by tow truck and the owner or registrant of the vehicle will be assessed any costs involved.
Proper notice shall be:
- Residence Halls - A notice posted on the bulletin boards located at the entrances or lobbies of each residence hall stating the date time and duration of snow removal operations and alternate authorized parking available.
- Greek Organizations - A telephone call to a house officer advising of snow removal plans; date, time and duration and alternate parking available. It will be the responsibility of the Greek organization to advise their residents. In all cases, a minimum of 24 hours advance notice prior to the start of snow removal will be considered proper notice.
Union College does not permit pets in residence facilities (see Residential Life Policies). The College will enforce the following laws and Policies regarding pets:
- It is unlawful in the City of Schenectady for the owner of a dog to allow the dog to run at large on the streets and sidewalks of the city (including the Union College campus) without being a. properly restrained by an adequate collar and leash not to exceed eight feet in length; b. accompanied by a responsible person.
- In order to keep the dog within the boundaries of the City of Schenectady, its owner must obtain a license from the City.
- A dog warden or peace officer shall seize any dog found off the property of the owner and not properly restrained in accordance with the provisions noted above. This means dogs will not be allowed to roam on the Union College grounds.
In summary:
- No dogs are allowed to roam unleashed on the campus.
- No dogs may be leashed (tied) to trees, posts, etc. and left unattended on the campus. The ordinance requires that the owner is in possession of the animal at all times.
- A fine may be imposed by the College, together with possible further disciplinary action, on the owners of dogs found to be in violation. If the dog is brought into a residence hall and housed therein, the owner may forfeit campus living privileges. This applies both to individuals and recognized student organizations such as fraternities and sororities.
Operation ID
This program is part of the department's overall crime prevention program. To prevent thefts and help in the recovery of stolen property, the Campus Safety Department urges that you engrave all your valuables and keep an inventory of your property; stickers can be removed but it is much more difficult to obliterate engraved marks that have been located on an obscure place. Note the serial, model, and engraved numbers on the security inventory sheet.
It is recommended that all bicycles that are brought on campus be registered with the Campus Safety Department. There is no fee. The Department has bicycle safety and lock information available and can be picked up at the office during business hours.
Life safety violations
As stated in the Residential Community at Union, the abuse of any life safety equipment in any campus building or facility is a serious violation of College policy. All student rooms are equipped with a fire extinguisher. It is the responsibility of the student occupant(s) of the room to ensure that the extinguisher is not tampered with in any manner. Students are encouraged to use these extinguishers when warranted for fire safety. If you are uncertain how to properly use the extinguisher contact your RA or Campus Safety. If you suspect there is a problem with your extinguisher, contact Campus Safety immediately. If you have cause to discharge your extinguisher for fire control you must immediately advise your RA and the Campus Safety Department to report the fire and use of the extinguisher. If a room extinguisher is missing, discharged for other than a fire or a non-reported fire, or tampered with in any way to cause the extinguisher to be inoperable or unavailable for emergency use, the occupant(s) of the room will be charged for the cost of replacement and/or recharging and be served with a notice of violation. False fire alarms and willful damaging of any life safety equipment is not only an inconvenience to fellow students but constitutes a real danger. Fire extinguishers, pull stations, alarm bells, smoke and heat detectors and alarm panels are in place for your safety. Use of these systems for other than fire emergencies; or abuse of these systems; or the intentional causing of a false fire alarm will result in a fine and possible dismissal from College housing. (Tampering includes moving, modifying, obstructing or in anyway altering life safety equipment.)
Open fire is not permitted in any residence hall or campus building. The intentional setting of any fire which is not authorized or designed for a recognized and accepted purpose and practiced with proper safety precautions in effect, will result in the filing of conduct charges.
The use of extension cords and multiple outlet plug adapters (Octopus Cords) is strictly prohibited. Such use will result in a fine and confiscation of the cord and/or plug. Power strips with overload circuit protectors may be used.
Television aerials, masts or transmitting devices and refrigerators in excess of five (5) cu. ft. or which draw in excess of three (3) amps to start or in excess of one and one half (1-1/2) amps running are prohibited. Notices of violation may be levied for such violations and items must be removed by the student immediately.
Any items that may be confiscated, as indicated above, will be held for safekeeping until the owner claims it for removal from campus. Such items may be claimed at the Campus Safety Office during business hours. Failure to claim these items at the conclusion of the current school year will forfeit rights to the item and the College will dispose of them as appropriate. Any items that are confiscated which are illegal will be disposed of in an appropriate manner.
All buildings on campus must be immediately evacuated whenever a fire or general alarm sounds in the building. Intentional evading or refusal to evacuate will result in notice of violation. In residence halls, the Resident Assistants and/or Area Coordinator will go room to room to ensure that evacuation of the residence hall is completed. They may be assisted by Campus Safety staff as required to effect evacuation. In Greek residences Campus Safety will make a tour of the residence to ensure evacuation procedures are followed. They will be assisted by house officers that are in residence at the time.
Fire and general evacuation
If a fire condition is discovered in a building you should take the following action:
- Immediately evacuate the building. As you leave, notify other occupants. Activate a fire alarm pull station.
- Close room and/or hallway and stairwell doors as you evacuate.
- Once you leave the building, do not re-enter for any reason.
The purpose of any evacuation is to empty a building or area of all occupants as quickly and safely as possible.
- In most cases that require evacuation of a building (fire, explosion, bomb threat), occupants should proceed to a clear or safe location away from the building, but where they can be accounted for. Campus Safety Officers may direct you to other locations. Please comply with their requests in order to effect a safe evacuation.
- Evacuation of persons with disabilities will be given the highest priority. They will be evacuated by the most expeditious and safe means available. If you are aware of person(s) with disabilities in your building who require assistance, please notify a Campus Safety Officer.
- When evacuating the building, do not run. Walk and remain quiet. Be observant of your surroundings and know a second means of escape from your building in the event that your primary route is obstructed.
- Occupants, once outside the building, should congregate with co-workers to make sure that everyone has evacuated safely. If you discover that someone is unaccounted for, notify a Campus Safety Officer.