Any function in an area where alcohol is present. Categories of social events include:
Academic/Social Event
An Event held at a group residence involving fewer than 40 participants and normally involving faculty and students with explicit approval of the Dean of Students or their designee, subject to the conditions imposed by the Dean of Students or their designee.
Registered Social Event
A function attended by invitation only that is registered with the Dean of Students (or designee) and takes place at a designated Campus Facility including designated Group Residences. The number of attendees at any given time at a Registered Social Event shall not exceed the number permitted by Building and Fire Code limitations established by officials for the designated Campus Facility or designated Group Residence.
Special Event
A Registered Social Event held on any day Sunday through Thursday where an individual or organization is serving alcohol. Size is limited to 40 people, or the number of active members of a recognized organization. To qualify, the registrant must justify the event as an occurrence of special importance and receive the explicit approval of the Dean of Students or his/her designee and be subject to the conditions imposed by the Dean of Student or his/her designee.
BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage) Event
A BYOB function is defined as a social gathering or event on or in college owned residential space, where the following criteria are met: the presence of non-residents; the presence of alcohol; no common source of alcohol. A BYOB Event is a Registered Social Event.