Bernhard Kuhn
Research interests
Enlightenment and Romantic Literature; Autobiography; Literature and Science; Literature, Medicine, and Ethics; Literature and Nature; Travel Writing; Philosophical Fiction; Criticism
Bernhard Kuhn published "Science, Michel Serres, and the Topological Poetics of A. R. Ammons" in College Literature, 51.3 (Summer 2024): 291-315. The culmination of a shift from research on 19th-century autobiography and natural history to contemporary American poetry and mathematical concepts, this interdisciplinary article underscores Kuhn's interests in literature and science.
Kuhn's monograph Autobiography and Natural Science: Rousseau, Goethe, Thoreau, was published by Ashgate in 2009. Reviews appear in Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly; Centaurus: Journal for the European Society for History and Science; and Isis, the journal of the History of Science Society.
“‘A Chain of Marvels’: Botany and Autobiography in Rousseau,” appeared in European Romantic Review 17.1 (2006):1-20.
“Self-Formations: Order and Disorder in Goethe’s Poetry and Truth,” appeared in From Wordsworth to Stevens. Ed. Anthony Mortimer. New York: Peter Lang, 2005.
“Botany, Geology, and Autobiography in the Works of Goethe and Rousseau,” in Colloquium Helveticum 25 (1997): 41-62 was awarded Prix Jubilé 1998 for best scholarly article published in a European academic journal by an author under 35.\
Kuhn's current interest focuses on the underwater sculpture museums of Jason deCaires Taylor.
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Academic credentials
B.A., Brown University; Ph.D. Princeton University
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