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An article by Claire Mouflard, visiting assistant professor of French, was accepted for publication in Romance Notes, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill peer-reviewed journal. "Evoluée or Intégrée: Black and Beur Publishing Practices in Contemporary Metropolitan French Women Writing" discusses differential publishing techniques as they apply to contemporary female writers of immigrant descent. Mouflard will present two papers at upcoming conferences this spring: "They Came Back: Zombie Narratives and the Algerian War in French Cinema" at the American Comparative Literature Association's Annual Meeting at Harvard University, and "Abdellatif Kechiche and the Spectacle of Otherness: Music and Dance in Vénus Noire" at the New York African Studies Association's 41st Annual Conference at the City College of New York and Columbia University.

George Shaw, professor emeritus of geology, gave the annual Darwin Day Lecture at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. This event, held on the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, is sponsored each year by the Biology and Earth Science Departments at UMD. The title of the lecture was “Chemical Evolution and the Emergence of Life.” Shaw also met with graduate and undergraduate geology and biology students.

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