Lisa | Aasa | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Anthropology | cum laude | Stockholm | Sweden |
Jeremy | Adner | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Swampscott | MA | |
Marcello | Agnitti | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Springfield | MA | |
Madeleine | Aitken | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | magna cum laude | Slingerlands | NY |
Aseel | Algomai | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Philosophy | Bronx | NY | |
Mutaz | Ali | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Troy | NY | |
Madison | Altman | Bachelor of Arts | Sociology | Natick | MA | |
Elizabeth | Anderson | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | cum laude | Baltimore | MD |
Thomas | Andre | Bachelor of Science | Chemistry and Classics | magna cum laude | Yarmouth Port | MA |
Colby | Andrews | Bachelor of Arts | History | Saugus | MA | |
Emily | Andrews | Bachelor of Science | Chemistry | Albany | NY | |
Luis | Angel | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry and Chinese | Wilbraham | MA | |
Anttoni | Asikainen | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Russian and Eastern European Studies | magna cum laude | Helsinki | Finland |
Zachary | Atkins | Bachelor of Arts | Managerial Economics and Political Science | Chatham | NJ | |
Trevor | Atkins | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and Chinese | New York | NY | |
David | Atlas | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Highland Mills | NY | |
Hein Htet | Aung | Bachelor of Arts | Visual Arts | magna cum laude | Rangoon | Burma |
Ashley | Aviles | Bachelor of Arts | English | Ozone Park | NY | |
Andrew | Ayala | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | East Longmeadow | MA | |
Paul | Bacchi | Bachelor of Science | Environmental Science | Schenectady | NY | |
Alexandra | Baldwin | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and English | summa cum laude | Skaneateles | NY |
Ryan | Baldwin | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics | magna cum laude | Deep River | CT |
Rashawn | Baldwin-White | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Brooklyn | NY | |
Griffin | Beal | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | North Reading | MA | |
Katharine | Beal | Bachelor of Science | Biology | cum laude | East Walpole | MA |
Cameron | Bechtold | Bachelor of Science | Environmental Science | summa cum laude | Middleburgh | NY |
Julia | Beekman | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | magna cum laude | Middleburgh | NY |
Henry | Behrens | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Economics | Newburyport | MA | |
Alexandra | Bellair | Bachelor of Arts | Chinese | Albany | NY | |
Ava | Berg | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Milton | MA | |
Nicole | Bergamini | Bachelor of Science | Biology | cum laude | Fort Worth | TX |
Madeleine | Berkowitz | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Sherborn | MA | |
Adam | Berrada | Bachelor of Science | Interdepartmental | Brooklyn | NY | |
Zachary | Beyloune | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Sudbury | MA |
Jason | Bienstock | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Larchmont | NY | |
Kwesi | Blankson | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science | Forest Hills | NY | |
Kaitlynn | Blow | Bachelor of Arts | Visual Arts | cum laude | Raleigh | NC |
Richard | Boakye | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Worcester | MA | |
Simon | Bohn | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience and Spanish and Hispanic Studies | Ledyard | CT | |
Alexander | Boris | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Haverford | PA | |
Patrick | Bowles | Bachelor of Arts | Astronomy | Sewickley | PA | |
Megan | Brown | Bachelor of Arts | Visual Arts | Fairfield | CT | |
Philip | Brown | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Carlisle | MA | |
Hana | Brown | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Westhampton | MA | |
Anna | Browne | Bachelor of Science | Biology and Anthropology | magna cum laude | Westfield | NJ |
Zachary | Brum | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Norfolk | MA | |
Caitlin | Buchanan | Bachelor of Arts | Organizing Theme | Wyckoff | NJ | |
Darnesjia | Buford-Creighton | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and Psychology | Clarksville | TN | |
Kevin | Burke | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science | cum laude | Littleton | MA |
Jacquelynn | Burmester | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and German Studies | magna cum laude | Germantown | NY |
Carly | Burns | Bachelor of Science | Biology | cum laude | Albany | NY |
Mikaela | Buryj | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | magna cum laude | Hamilton Parish | Bermuda |
Stephany | Caban | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Dorchester Center | MA | |
Christian | Calnan | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | magna cum laude | Scituate | MA |
Stephen | Camarra | Bachelor of Science | Geology | Johnstown | NY | |
China | Campagnuolo | Bachelor of Arts | Spanish and Hispanic Studies | summa cum laude | Killingworth | CT |
Courtney | Campbell | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Spanish and Hispanic Studies | magna cum laude | Andover | MA |
Antonio | Campedelli | Bachelor of Science | Chemistry | magna cum laude | Florence | MA |
Alexander | Capuano | Bachelor of Arts | History and English | Dobbs Ferry | NY | |
Mikayla | Carhart | Bachelor of Arts | Organizing Theme | Albany | NY | |
Kevin | Caro | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Elmhurst | NY | |
Emily | Carrabba | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Brooklyn | NY | |
Annabelle | Carter | Bachelor of Science | Biology and Science, Medicine and Technology in Culture | Portland | ME | |
Melany | Carvalho | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | New Rochelle | NY | |
Orie | Cepeda-Willgerodt | Bachelor of Science | Biology and Spanish | Bronxville | NY | |
Paul | Chambers | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Hempstead | NY | |
Sahil | Chaudhuri | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | summa cum laude | Clarence Center | NY |
Jichao | Chen | Bachelor of Arts | History | Nanjing | China | |
Qinying | Chen | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and French and Francophone Studies | magna cum laude | Jiangsu | China |
Chuyun | Chen | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Shanghai | China | |
Meichai | Chen | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and Psychology | summa cum laude | Flushing | NY |
Bradli | Cheng | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Weston | CT | |
Alaina | Chormann | Bachelor of Science | Geology | magna cum laude | Concord | NH |
William | Christensen | Bachelor of Computer Engineering | Computer Engineering | cum laude | Princeton | NJ |
Zachary | Christian | Bachelor of Arts | English | Metairie | LA | |
Nicholas | Ciufo | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Ludlow | VT | |
Thomas | Clement | Bachelor of Science | Physics | Huntington | NY | |
Brooke | Cleveland | Bachelor of Arts | Managerial Economics | summa cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Silas | Cleveland | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Charlotte | VT | |
Emily | Coello | Bachelor of Arts | History and English | cum laude | Albany | NY |
Matthew | Coffin | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Marlow | NH | |
Justin | Cohen | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Organizing Theme | cum laude | Slingerlands | NY |
Steven | Cohen | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy | Springfield | NJ | |
Dale | Coker | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | cum laude | Schenectady | NY |
Molly | Coleman | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | cum laude | New York | NY |
Sarah | Collins | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and English | magna cum laude | Somers | NY |
Shannon | Collins | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Florence | MA | |
Bernadine | Conklin | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Russian and Eastern European Studies | cum laude | Boston | MA |
Jeremy | Conn | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Woodbridge | CT | |
James | Connelly | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Smithtown | NY | |
Marika | Contompasis | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Classics | Niskayuna | NY | |
Kaylie | Corda | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Natick | MA | |
Owen | Corey | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | cum laude | Reading | MA |
John | Costello | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Hingham | MA | |
Griffin | Cowles | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Londonderry | NH |
Samuel | Cox | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Chinese | Newtown | CT | |
Ethan | Craig | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and English | Baldwinsville | NY | |
Michael | Crawford | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Arlington | VA | |
Lily | Crissy | Bachelor of Arts | Visual Arts | Lighthouse Point | FL | |
Sean | Cullen | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Ridgewood | NJ | |
Matthew | Cullen | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry | magna cum laude | Schenectady | NY |
Victoria | Dafniotis | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics | summa cum laude | Watervliet | NY |
Kyle | Davis | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Acton | MA | |
Rachel | De Perio | Bachelor of Arts | Spanish and Hispanic Studies | East Amherst | NY | |
Giuseppe | De Spuches | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | New York | NY | |
John | DeLara | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Weston | CT | |
Marina | DeLuca | Bachelor of Science | Biology and Music | East Marion | NY | |
Aissata | Diallo | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and French and Francophone Studies | Bronx | NY | |
Benjamin | Dierkhising | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | San Francisco | CA | |
Frank | Dilone Nunez | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Kissimmee | FL | |
Jose | Dolores Valdivieso | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Houston | TX | |
Yasin | Dombayci | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Fair Lawn | NJ | |
Morgan | Dominick | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Poughkeepsie | NY | |
Kyle | Doney | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and Classics | summa cum laude | Lexington | MA |
Austin | Dorsey | Bachelor of Arts | History and Political Science | Sudbury | MA | |
Taylor | Dremluk | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Alexandria | VA | |
Matthew | Dulchinos | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and Theater | magna cum laude | Lancaster | MA |
Lavonia | Duncan | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Classics and Biomedical Engineering | Saint Albans | NY | |
Romario | Duncan | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and Economics | Brooklyn | NY | |
Juliauna | Dunlop | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | summa cum laude | Intervale | NH |
Emese | Dunn | Bachelor of Science | Biology and German Studies | Fort Plain | NY | |
Dylan | Dupont | Bachelor of Science | Chemistry | cum laude | Belchertown | MA |
Jennifer | Duran | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Lynn | MA |
Daniele | Durkin | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | summa cum laude | Mineola | NY |
Annika | Eberle | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | magna cum laude | New Haven | CT |
Robert | Ebrahimi | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Political Science | Farmington | CT | |
Jack | Edson | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | summa cum laude | Southborough | MA |
Jonathan | Ellis | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Plano | TX |
Abby | Ellis | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and Visual Arts | Warwick | RI | |
Zachary | Emelifeonwu | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Kingston | Canada | |
William | Enberg | Bachelor of Arts | English | Margate City | NJ | |
Madalyn | Engvold | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | magna cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Mallory | Epstein | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Paidamoyo | Ewing | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | cum laude | Harare | Zimbabwe |
Sophia | Eydenberg | Bachelor of Arts | Classics | Allendale | NJ | |
Owen | Farley | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Asian Studies | magna cum laude | West Hartford | CT |
Haim | Farooqui | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Loudonville | NY | |
Madeline | Feinberg | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Sudbury | MA | |
Julia | Ferrelli | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry | Mount Laurel | NJ | |
Connor | Finn | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | summa cum laude | Torrington | CT |
Kayla | Fisher | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Tarrytown | NY | |
Emily | Fitz | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Watervliet | NY | |
Fiona | Fitzgerald | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry | magna cum laude | Northport | NY |
Charlotte | Fitzpatrick | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Norwell | MA | |
Angel | Flores | Bachelor of Arts | Theater | Tucson | AZ | |
Samuel | Fogarty | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and Spanish and Hispanic Studies | summa cum laude | Guilford | CT |
Sophia | Foster | Bachelor of Science | Biology | cum laude | Cayuga | NY |
Dory | Freeman | Bachelor of Science | Biology | magna cum laude | Scarborough | ME |
Christopher | Fulgione | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | North Andover | MA | |
Mateo | Galguera | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Shaftsbury | VT | |
Madison | Gallant | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Needham | MA | |
Joshua | Garber | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Bedford | MA | |
Erendira | Garcia Pallares | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Schenectady | NY | |
Turner | Geenty | Bachelor of Arts | History | Worcester | MA | |
Jaclyn | Gehring | Bachelor of Science | Geology | magna cum laude | Wildwood | NJ |
Jackson | Gelinas | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Redding | CT | |
Etienne-Marcel | Giannelli | Bachelor of Arts | Theater | Brooklyn | NY | |
Linsey | Giles | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | cum laude | Bedford | MA |
Allan | Gilgeous | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Brooklyn | NY | |
Evan | Gilland | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and History | Raleigh | NC | |
Nathan | Gillespie | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and Music | Chicago | IL | |
John | Gilpin | Bachelor of Arts | English | Hartsdale | NY | |
Patrick | Glennon | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | cum laude | Needham | MA |
Bhuwan | Gokhool | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and Mathematics | cum laude | Curepipe | Mauritius |
Justin | Gold | Bachelor of Computer Engineering | Computer Engineering | Randolph | NJ | |
Madeline | Goldberg | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Fort Myers | FL | |
Corey | Golden | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Cohasset | MA | |
Graham | Goldheim | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and History | Briarcliff Manor | NY | |
Daniel | Goldman | Bachelor of Science | Geology | Larchmont | NY | |
Molly | Goodman | Bachelor of Science | Environmental Science | Philadelphia | PA | |
Christina | Goudelias | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | summa cum laude | New York | NY |
Ava | Greenberg | Bachelor of Science | Biology | cum laude | Lincoln | RI |
Katherine | Gregory | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | cum laude | Delanson | NY |
Linwood | Grob | Bachelor of Arts | Philosophy | Chappaqua | NY | |
Daniel | Grogan | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Oreland | PA | |
Carrie | Guan | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | cum laude | Boston | MA |
Timothy | Guinee | Bachelor of Arts | History | Topsfield | MA | |
Jillian | Guthrie | Bachelor of Science | Physics and Mathematics | summa cum laude | Templeton | MA |
Claire | Hadelman | Bachelor of Arts | Environmental Policy | cum laude | Needham | MA |
Zineb | Hajjaj | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Casablanca | Morocco | |
Lars | Hammer | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Norwalk | CT | |
Madeleine | Hamparian | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Spanish and Hispanic Studies | summa cum laude | Belchertown | MA |
Jonathan | Hanna | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science | summa cum laude | Phoenixville | PA |
Omarra | Hannibal-Williams | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | cum laude | Voorheesville | NY |
Weston | Hannon-Bogosh | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Chicago | IL | |
Ryan | Harper | Bachelor of Arts | History | New Canaan | CT | |
Robert | Harrington | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Scotch Plains | NJ | |
Cheyenne | Harris | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Psychology | Ocala | FL | |
Brock | Harris | Bachelor of Computer Engineering | Computer Engineering | San Antonio | TX | |
Thomas | Harrison | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics | summa cum laude | Glencoe | IL |
Zihan | He | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience and Visual Arts | Fuzhou | China | |
Thomas | Headley | Bachelor of Arts | History | Canton | OH | |
Catrina | Healey | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Southborough | MA | |
Devon | Hennel | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry | Delanson | NY | |
Robert | Hicks | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Boston | MA | |
Uyen | Hoang | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Hanoi 10000 | Vietnam | |
Dalton | Hogan | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Hudson Falls | NY | |
Charles | Holley | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and History | New York | NY | |
Robert | Hollocher | Bachelor of Arts | History | Niskayuna | NY | |
Megan | Holmes | Bachelor of Science | Biology and French and Francophone Studies | Southborough | MA | |
Ziyi | Hu | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and Russian Studies | summa cum laude | Beijing | China |
Morgan | Hughes | Bachelor of Science | Biology | summa cum laude | Lakeville | PA |
Kaylyn | Hung | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | summa cum laude | Princeton Junction | NJ |
Gamze | Inanc | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science and Visual Arts | magna cum laude | Bagcesme Izmit Kocaeli | Turkey |
Melanie | Jaquez | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Bronx | NY | |
Corinne | Jean-Gilles | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | cum laude | Lynn | MA |
Kevin | Jefferson | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Sloatsburg | NY | |
Savannah | Jelks | Bachelor of Arts | History | summa cum laude | Alexandria | VA |
Drew | Johnson | Bachelor of Arts | Managerial Economics | Stoneham | MA | |
Alexis | Juarez | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Riverside | CA | |
Jihyeon | Jung-Chen | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Rensselaer | NY | |
Kirsten | Kaptein | Bachelor of Science | Biology | summa cum laude | Burnt Hills | NY |
Jacob | Karaul | Bachelor of Computer Engineering | Computer Engineering | Brooklyn | NY | |
John | Kasel | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Englewood | CO | |
Jack | Kaufman | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Rochester | NY |
Colin | Keally | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Milton | MA | |
Peter | Keane | Bachelor of Science | Environmental Science | Clifton | NJ | |
Ryan | Keefe | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Penn Valley | PA | |
Kerry | Kelly | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Dobbs Ferry | NY |
Nicholas | Kender | Bachelor of Science | Economics and Mathematics | Chelmsford | MA | |
Rachel | Kessler | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | New York | NY | |
Mustafa | Khan | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | magna cum laude | Schenectady | NY |
Justine | Kieltyka | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | cum laude | New Britain | CT |
Thomas | Kiernan | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Hudson Falls | NY | |
Andrew | Kingston | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Economics | South Hero | VT | |
Daniele | Klein | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | cum laude | Sharon | MA |
William | Knight | Bachelor of Arts | Classics | Marion | MA | |
Rebecca | Koerwer | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Sudbury | MA | |
Vasili | Kolias | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Schaumburg | IL | |
Tianjian | Kong | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and Economics | magna cum laude | Changchun Jilin | China |
Ian | Krause | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Saugerties | NY | |
Bailey | Kross | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Ravena | NY | |
Lucas | LaCroce | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and English | Portsmouth | NH | |
James | Lagraff | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Schenectady | NY | |
Roderick | Landreth | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | magna cum laude | Amesbury | MA |
Thomas | Lawrence | Bachelor of Arts | History and Political Science | summa cum laude | Annapolis | MD |
Ngoc Minh | Le | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Computer Science | summa cum laude | Ho Chi Minh | Vietnam |
Omar | Lebbar | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | cum laude | Rabat 10000 | Morocco |
Kang-You | Lee | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | cum laude | Seoul 131-843 2116 | South Korea |
Casey | Lee | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | cum laude | Greenlawn | NY |
Lauren | Lee | Bachelor of Science | Biology | magna cum laude | Fullerton | CA |
Megan | Lepore | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | summa cum laude | Lexington | MA |
Kara | Leyden | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | summa cum laude | Glenmont | NY |
Charlotte | Leyland | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | West Hartford | CT | |
Geoffrey | Liu | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Hong Kong | China | |
Jiawei | Liu | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | summa cum laude | Chengdu | China |
Claire | Lockwood | Bachelor of Science | Biology | magna cum laude | Greenfield Center | NY |
Bridget | Logan | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics | Somers | CT | |
Sofia | Lopez | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Spanish and Hispanic Studies | summa cum laude | Williamstown | MA |
Juan | Lopez | Bachelor of Arts | History | Stratford | CT | |
Salvador | Lopez Jr. | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Port Chester | NY | |
Hector | Lopez-Polanco | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Bronx | NY | |
Makenzie | LoPresti | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Woodbury | CT | |
Melany | Lucero | Bachelor of Science | Biology and Visual Arts | Bronx | NY | |
Nathan | Lund | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Needham | MA | |
Liam | Lynch-Galvin | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Economics | Melrose | MA | |
Kerry | Lyne | Bachelor of Arts | History | Wellesley | MA | |
Ian | MacKellar | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Southbury | CT | |
Joseph | Maher | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | cum laude | Takoma Park | MD |
Anna | Mahony | Bachelor of Science | Chemistry | magna cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Noah | Mandel | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Miami Beach | FL | |
Emma | Marlow-Benedick | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Weston | MA | |
Connor | Martin | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Redding | CT | |
Benjamin | Mason | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry | Canajoharie | NY | |
Moises | Matute | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Miami | FL | |
Jacob | Mazuryk | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Niskayuna | NY | |
Hailey | McCall | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | cum laude | Natick | MA |
William | McCann | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Economics | summa cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Victoria | McDonnough | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Long Island City | NY | |
Charles | McGovern | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Wilton | CT |
Mary Katharine | McIntire | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Economics | Mattapoisett | MA | |
Kolby | McKenzie | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Alton | NH | |
Caitlin | McMahon | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | summa cum laude | Massena | NY |
Malcolm | Mead | Bachelor of Arts | Managerial Economics | Pittsford | VT | |
David | Metraux | Bachelor of Science | Biology and Computer Science | magna cum laude | Watertown | MA |
Jared | Milazzo | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | summa cum laude | Hamden | CT |
Matthew | Miller | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Sharon | MA | |
Erin | Molloy | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Cumberland Center | ME | |
Bo Hyun | Moon | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | summa cum laude | Herndon | VA |
Arnold | Moore | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | summa cum laude | Killingworth | CT |
Melchor | Morales-Vasquez | Bachelor of Science | Environmental Science | Brooklyn | NY | |
Griffin | Morgan | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Wellesley | MA |
Alexa | Morin | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | cum laude | Westfield | MA |
Megan | Morrissey | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Chalfont | PA | |
Sumail | Morton | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Yonkers | NY | |
Luis | Mota | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Philosophy | Washington | D.C. | |
Jasmin | Movassaghi | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Amherst | NH | |
Tatsuro | Murakami | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and Computer Science | summa cum laude | Tokyo | Japan |
Amelia | Murray | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and English | McHenry | IL | |
Mariam | Musah | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Stone Mountain | GA | |
John | Myers | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | magna cum laude | Fairfield | CT |
Jordan | Naidrich | Bachelor of Science | Biology | Newtown | PA | |
Spencer | Napolitano | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Domenic | Nardone | Bachelor of Arts | Managerial Economics | magna cum laude | Sudbury | MA |
Walani | Ndhlovu | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Mzuzu | Malawi | |
Jason | Nelson | Bachelor of Science | Mathematics and Philosophy | Westport | CT | |
Carmen | Ngo | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | cum laude | New York | NY |
Christine | Nguyen | Bachelor of Arts | English and Classics | Dorchester Center | MA | |
Reid | Nichols | Bachelor of Arts | Economics and Mathematics | summa cum laude | Waltham | MA |
Dayrielis | Noa-Guzman | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies | magna cum laude | Bronx | NY |
Dayriliana | Noa-Guzman | Bachelor of Arts | Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies | Bronx | NY | |
Hope | Noonan-Stoner | Bachelor of Arts | English | summa cum laude | Pleasant Hill | CA |
Colin | Nye | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | cum laude | Salem | MA |
Kimberly | O'Reilly | Bachelor of Science | Biochemistry | magna cum laude | Coral Springs | FL |
Alyssa | O'Rourke | Bachelor of Arts | Economics | Glen Head | NY | |
Nathan | Oasis | Bachelor of Science | Computer Science | Waban | MA | |
Hannah | Oxholm | Bachelor of Science | Psychology and Spanish and Hispanic Studies | Brattleboro | VT | |
Ademilola | Oyetuga | Bachelor of Science | Neuroscience | Tacoma | WA | |
McKenna | Palczak | Bachelor of Arts | Political Science | Amsterdam | NY | |
Bryanne | Panchuk | Bachelor of Science | Psychology | Calgary | Canada | |
Hayden | Paneth | Bachelor of Science | Chemistry | Schenectady | NY | |
Rachael Rose | Parisi | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | summa cum laude | Niskayuna | NY |
Harrison | Parsons | Bachelor of Science | Economics and Mathematics | Hopkinton | MA | |
Drishti | Patel | Bachelor of Science | Leadership in Medicine | magna cum laude | Aurora | CO |
Christina | Pavlovsky | Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | cum laude | Gloversville | NY |
Marianne |