People in the news - Week of Feb. 4, 2022

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A career guidebook by Christine Henseler, professor of Spanish, was recently published and is available to view here. “Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave College Without Them” is for high school and college students wondering how the arts and humanities can further their careers. It includes essays by students and young professionals, portraits of young innovators, information about majors, success stories, interviews, and more.

Several pieces by Saladdin Ahmed, visiting assistant professor of political science, were recently published. The International Journal of Socialist Renewal published two of his articles including, “A Postnihilist Manifesto: Making Afghanistan and Other Margins the Locus for World Emancipation,” and “Universal Discrimination and the Democratic Camouflaging of Culturalism.”

Fran'Cee Brown-McClure, vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students, shared her expertise with Inside Higher Ed on how colleges can connect better with its students. She also shared her thoughts on how precollege experiences and students’ identities shape the challenges they face and connections they make in postsecondary education.

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