Academic Affairs

Benefits Committee

Information provided below serves as a summary only. Definitive wording can be found in the Faculty Manual.


  • The Benefits Committee is a standing sub-group of the Planning and Priorities Group (P&P) that makes recommendations to the Planning & Priorities group regarding faculty and staff benefits.


  • The Benefits Committee shall be composed of a maximum of five representatives of the Faculty Compensation Committee (FCC - appointed by the FEC), including a Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) liaison. One member is designated by the FEC as co-chair.

  • The Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), serves as co-chair;
  • Two administrative staff members (nominated by the VP for Administration and Finance and appointed by P&P);
  • Two hourly staff members (nominated by the VP for Administration and Finance and appointed by P&P);
  • And all serve a 3-year term, with the exception of the CHRO, with the possibility of reappointment.