His course offerings have included ancient history, Roman law, ancient religion, Greek, Latin, and comparative mythology.

Hans-Friedrich O. Mueller / aka Molinarius - ΜΥΛΩΝΙΚΟΣ
Teaching interests
His course offerings have included ancient history, Roman law, ancient religion, Greek, Latin, and comparative mythology.
Additional media
He is the author of Roman Religion in Valerius Maximus (Routledge), has edited an abridgement of Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire for Random House, translated Andreas Mehl’s Roman Historiography: An Introduction to its Basic Aspects and Development into English for Wiley-Blackwell, published two editions of Caesar for Bolchazy-Carducci: Julius Caesar: Selections from his Commentarii De Bello Gallico and (with R. Williams) Caesar: A LEGAMUS Transitional Reader, and produced two eighteen-hour video courses for The Great Courses (Teaching Company) Latin 101: Learning a Classical Language and Greek 101: Learning and Ancient Language. He is presently working on night as a legal, religious, and social context in Roman culture.