There are a variety of loan programs available to students and families to help fund education costs at Union College.
Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Student Loan
The Federal Direct Loan Program allows eligible students to borrow up to $27,000 during their undergraduate education.
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
Through this program, parents may borrow an annual amount up to the cost of attendance less financial aid. Repayment begins within 60 days of the loan's disbursement.
Federal Perkins Loan
Effective September 30, 2017, we are no longer authorized to issue Perkins Loans. For students who borrowed a Perkins Loan prior to the program ending, the interest rate is fixed at 5%. Repayment of the loan begins nine months after the borrower leaves Union or drops below half-time status.
Union College loans
Union College funds two institutional loan programs to assist with educational expenses.
Private Loans
There are a variety of private loans for education that are available to Union College students. Students and their families are always best-advised to pursue federal education loans first, since they carry lower interest rates, and often the interest is tax-deductible.