College Grants & Sponsored Programs

National Science Foundation Mathematics Conference Grant

Publication Date

Conference Travel Funding: Alpine Conference on Algebraic and Applied Topology

The National Science Foundation
Division of Mathematical Sciences
Conferences and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences Program

Award Date: 12/21/2015 | Award Amount: $34,160 | Effective Dates: 05/01/2016 – 04/30/2017 | Award ID: DMS-1608596

Project Personnel:
Principal Investigator Brenda Johnson (Mathematics)

Project Summary:
The Alpine Conference on Algebraic and Applied Topology will take place August 15th through August 21st in Saas-Almagell, Switzerland. The conference will bring together experts in both the theoretical aspects of algebraic topology and the growing range of scientific applications of topology. The conference program will consist of lectures by the invited plenary speakers, together with contributed talks from other conference participants. The plenary speakers will inform participants about recent advances in their fields, and provide insight into possible directions for future work. All participants will have the opportunity to discuss their work with and receive feedback from others experts in the field, to continue existing and form new collaborations, and to learn more about potentially useful tools and techniques outside their areas of expertise. This award will ensure that the US algebraic topology community is well-represented at this important conference, and, in particular, that early-career topologists from the US have the opportunity to participate.