A digital book by Christine Henseler, professor of Spanish, is now available from Lever Press. The book, “Extraordinary Partnerships: How the Arts and Humanities are Transforming America,” is available here.
Don Rodbell, professor of geology, was awarded a $124,521 collaborative research grant from the NSF’s Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change program for his project, “Unravelling the Signals in Tropical Pacific Lake Archives: Towards Improved Holocene Hydroclimate Reconstructions.” Learn more about his project here.
A recent paper by Dong Cheng, assistant professor of economics, was accepted for publication in The World Economy. “Credit Rationing and Firm Exports: Microeconomic Evidence from Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises in China” shows that credit rationing reduces firm export in both extensive and intensive margins. The work has co-authors from Central University of Finance and Economics and Nanjing University of Finance and Economics. Read the paper here.
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