Cecilia Bores Quijano
Areas of expertise
Computational Biophysics
Soft condensed matter physics
Adsorption in porous materials
Synthesis of crystalline nano porous materials
Simulation of DNA confinement
Modeling DNA-protein complexes
Research interests
My research has specialized in molecular simulation in application to biological systems and material science. A particular focus of my research is trying to unveil the structure of the DNA macromolecule when it is packaged in the interior of the capsid of bacteriophages. The local interactions between the DNA and the proteins conforming the capsid will affect the way DNA overcomes the unfavorable thermodynamic barrier to enter and pack inside the capsid. To this aim, I am working towards developing a coarse-grained model able to include the DNA-protein interaction in the DNA packaging simulations.
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Academic credentials
B.S. University of Valladolid; M.S. University of Valladolid; Ph.D. Autonomous University of Madrid
Integrated Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC) 111
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