Chemistry Department
George Riegel

George F. Riegel

Job Title
Visiting Assistant Professor
Bailey 101D

Research interests

As a physical organic chemist, I am interested in structure-reactivity relationships in organic molecules. My current research involves the synthesis of novel, metal-free organocatalysts for asymmetric organic reactions. The activities of established organocatalytic scaffolds can be greatly enhanced by incorporating positively-charged centers, thereby making them more attractive alternatives to less environmentally-benign, metal-based species; this represents an important step toward making industrial chemical production greener and more sustainable.

This work entails multi-step organic synthesis, quantification of Brønsted acid acidity through reaction data and NMR, IR, and UV-vis spectroscopic methods, and the use of chiral HPLC to determine enantiomeric ratios.

If you are interested in organic synthesis, organocatalysis, chemical kinetics, and mechanism elucidation, then I have research projects for you!

Teaching interests

CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry I & Lab

Areas of interest

Scientific community outreach, Early science education, LGBTQ+ advocacy


  • Publications
    • Riegel, G. F.; Payne, C.; Kass, S. R. Effects of Brønsted acid cocatalysts on the activities and selectivities of charge-enhanced thiourea organocatalysts in Friedel–Crafts and Oxa-Pictet–Spengler reactions. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2022, 35 (11).
    • Riegel, G. F.; Takashige, K.; Lovstedt, A.; Kass, S. R. Charge-Activated TADDOLs: Recyclable organocatalysts for asymmetric (hetero-)Diels–Alder reactions. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2022, 35.
    • Riegel, G. F.; Kass, S. R. N-Vinyl and N-Aryl Hydroxypyridinium Ions: Charge-Activated Catalysts with Electron Withdrawing Groups. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 6017–6026.

Academic credentials

B.S., Lafayette College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Minnesota