Andres Burkett

Andrew Burkett

Job Title
Professor of English
Program Director of STS
Co-Director of the Templeton Institute
Karp Hall 111

Research interests

British Romantic Poetry and Prose; Victorian Poetry and the Novel; Literature and Science; Science and Technology Studies; Cinema and Media Studies; Digital Humanities.


Dr. Burkett’s research and teaching interests center on the intersections among literature, science, and technology in the British Romantic era. His dissertation-to-book project, Romantic Uncertainty: The Idea of Chance in British Literature, Art, and Science, 1789-1859, examines issues of causality in nineteenth-century aesthetics and science. His new book project, Romantic Mediations: Media Theory and British Romanticism (SUNY Press, 2016) is an investigation of the ways in which Romantic imaginative literature becomes taken up and transformed by incipient media systems such as negative-positive photography, phonography, moving images, and digital media. The book is available here. He has recently published articles on Mary Shelley, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron, and his work has appeared in journals such as Studies in Romanticism and the European Romantic Review.


Romantic Mediations: Media Theory and British Romanticism. (SUNY Press, 2016). Author interview about Romantic Mediations appeared in the media studies journal Luthor (University of Buenos Aires, Jan. 2021.)

Edited Collections:

William Blake and Pedagogy. Ed. Andrew Burkett and Roger Whitson. July, 2016. Romantic Circles Pedagogies Series. Gen. Ed. Kate Singer.

Multi-Media Romanticisms. Ed. James Brooke-Smith and Andrew Burkett. November, 2016. Romantic Circles Praxis Series. Gen. Ed. Orrin N. C. Wang.

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

"'Where Beats the Human Heart': Jean-Nicolas Corvisart's Treatise on Diseases of the Heart and John Keats's Hyperion Poems," European Romantic Review 33.2 (2022): 247-265.

“Photographing Byron’s Hand.” European Romantic Review 26.2 (2015): 129-148.

“Chance in Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and British Romanticism.” Literature Compass. Special Issue: Romantic Evolutions. Ed. Joshua Lambier. 13.10 (2016): 663-669, DOI: 10.1111/lic3.12342.

“William Blake and the Emergence of Romantic Media Studies.” Literature Compass 12.9 (2015): 439-447.

“Mediating Monstrosity: Media, Information, and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” Studies in Romanticism 51.4 (2012): 579-605. Reprinted as “Mediating Monstrosity: Media, Information, and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein," ch. 9 in Orrin Wang, ed. Frankenstein in Theory: A Critical Anatomy. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

“Wordsworthian Chance.” Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 54 (2009).

“Victorian Tocophobia: Aurora Leigh and Nineteenth-Century Fears of Childbirth and Procreation.” Nineteenth Century Studies 21 (2007): 33-45.

“The Image Beyond the Image: G. W. Pabst’s Pandora’s Box (1929) and the Aesthetics of the Cinematic Image-Object.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 24.3 (2007): 233-247.

Peer-Reviewed, Multi-Author Articles:

Burkett, Andrew and David Sigler, co-authored foreword and co-edited essay cluster, “Toward an Anti-Racist and Undisciplined Romanticism.” Keats-Shelley Journal, vol. 70, 2022.

Burkett, Andrew and Palmyra Catravas.“A ‘sound but half its own’: A Collaborative Exploration of Poetic Sounds in Literature and Electrical Engineering Classrooms.” Romanticism and Technology. Ed. Lindsey Eckert and Lissette Lopez Szwydky. January, 2018. Romantic Circles: Romantic Pedagogy Commons. Gen. Ed. Kate Singer. Corresponding Author.

Burkett, Andrew, Nick Webb, Valerie Barr, Benjamin Berger, and Samuel Garson. “Introducing Blake Browser: William Blake and Computational Analysis.” Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 34.2 (2013): 33-37. Lead and Corresponding Author.

Book Reviews:

Review of Nicholas Roe’s John Keats: A New Life. New Haven: Yale UP, 2013. Pp. xxvii+446. $22. Studies in Romanticism 54.1 (2015): 138-142.

Review of Alan Richardson’s The Neural Sublime: Cognitive Theories and Romantic Texts. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2010. xv + 179, 5 illustrations. ISBN 978-0-8018-9453-4 (pb.). Nineteenth-Century Contexts 37.1 (2015): 79-82.

Review of Michael R. Page’s The Literary Imagination from Erasmus Darwin to H.G. Wells: Science, Evolution, and Ecology. Surrey: Ashgate, 2012. Pp. 232. £64. ISBN: 9781409438694. British Association for Romantic Studies: Bulletin & Review 43 (2013): 43-44.

Review of Andrew Piper’s Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2009. 320 pp. Cloth, $35.00. Colloquia Germanica 42.4 (2009): 389-391.

Awards and Distinctions:

Keynote address at “Romanticism and its Media,” the 20th international conference of the Society for English Romanticism, Leipzig University (Germany), October 2023.

Co-director of the Templeton Institute of Engineering and Computer Science, Fall 2023.

Co-editor of Romantic Circles Pedagogies, 2022.

Director of the Science, Technology, and Society program, Fall 2021.

Stephen Horne Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2006-2007. Duke University

Resource Links:

Williams College Writing Guides
Schaffer Library

Additional media

Academic credentials

B.A., Washington & Jefferson College; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Duke University