November 5, 2020
Prof Zaibert
- Leo Zaibert, William D. Williams Professor of Philosophy, Law and Humanities and chair of the department, is the winner of the Stillman Prize for Faculty Excellence in Research.
Prof Baker
- "Bioethics and Human Rights: A Historical Perspective," in Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Perspectives, eds. Wanda Teays and Alison Dundes Renteln.
- "Human guinea-pigs: Mellanby, Pappworth and Club Regulation," in Human Guinea Pigs, by Kenneth Mellanby: A Reprint with Commentaries, 3rd edition. Lisa Rasmussen (ed.). New York: Springer.
- "Confabulating Reasons,"Topoi 39.
- "Why Can't I Change Bruckner's Eighth Symphony?"Philosophical Studies 177.
- "Medicalization and Linguistic Agency," with Ashley Feinsinger, Ratio.
- "Fiction and Indeterminate Identity,” Analysis 80, 221-229.
- "Abstracta are Causal," Philosophia 48, 133-142.
- Critical Précis of Maxime Lepoutre’s “Rage inside the machine: Defending the place of anger in democratic speech” for PEA Soup.
- "Responses to my Critics,” Rutgers University Law Review 71.3:1021-1066.
Prof Baker
- "Belief’s Minimal Rationality", Philosophical Studies.
- "Hume's Dual Criteria for Memory" Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100: 336-358.
- NPR's The Academic Minute, discussing her research, Aristotle on the Virtue of Vengeance.
- "Evil and Punishment” in The Routledge Handbook on Evil (Thomas Nys and Stephen de Wijze, eds.), London: Routledge, 269-281.
- "La justificación del castigo, la complejidad de la vida moral y los cambios de paradigma”, Eunomía: Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad 16: 347-364.
Prof Baker
- "Philosophers' Invasion of Clinical Ethics: Historical and Personal Reflections." American Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 51-54.
- “A Problem for All of Creation," The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76, 98-101.
- Rethinking Punishment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- The book has been the subject of several symposia: A Book Forum organized by the Centre for Ethics of the University of Toronto, C4e: Perspectives on Ethics; another Book Forum, published by Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain, Eunomia; Rutgers University organized a Symposium on the book, and devoted a volume of Rutgers University Law Review to it; an Author meets Critics session on the book was held during the Eastern division of the APA in New York City.
- Dirty Hands (ed.). The Monist , Oxford University Press.
- "La Propriete" in Dictionnaire des Valeurs, Emma Dayer-Tieffenbach and Julien Deonna (eds.), Paris: Editions d’Ithaque.
"Punishment, Values, and Justifications" in the University of Toronto’s Centre for Ethics’ C4e: Perspectives on Ethics 15.
- The Theory and Practice of Ontology (ed.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.