Schaffer Library Research Prize

Student conducting research in a chemistry lab

Research award ($500) open to all current Union College students

Schaffer Library is pleased to announce a new research prize: the Schaffer Library Research Prize. The Research Prize is awarded to a current Union College student to recognize a research project that uses library resources. The Prize will be awarded as part of Prize Day on May 10, 2025. More information forthcoming!

In the meantime, keep an eye out for possible submissions.

Research Prize

Important Dates

  • Submissions open Monday February 17, 2025.
  • Submissions due (last date to submit) March 17, 2025.
  • Winner announced at Prize Day on May 10, 2025.

Application Form

Open to all current Union College students.

Fill out the Application...

Application Requirements

A committee composed of Schaffer Librarians will judge entries based on the submission of a reflective essay (500-1000 words) as well as the research project itself including the bibliography.

Submissions will be evaluated based on how well they provide evidence of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates a broad use of library resources, including collections and services.
  • Demonstrates through use and acknowledgement of a broad set of sources appropriate for the research need.
  • Demonstrates critical reflection, iteration, and inquiry during the research process.

Please see the full rubric for more in-depth information about the judging criteria.


Library resources may be print or online books and journals; databases; primary resources such as those found in the Library’s Special Collections; and library materials in any media. Resources requested via Schaffer Library Interlibrary loan are also eligible.

  • Cash award open to all current Union College students for projects completed Spring 2024-Winter 2025.
  • Individual and group projects allowed (prize money to be shared by group)

Special Collections stacks