Special Collections

Harmful Language Statement

Union College holds collections with records that reflect the time and social conventions of their creation. Collections may include outdated, biased, offensive, and violent content preserved for their historical significance. We do not alter the original content in our holdings thereby protecting their historical authenticity and provenance. While the historical record is maintained, we are committed to updating language that is in our control to edit. We are committed to upholding the description of archival materials and special collections in a respectful and accurate manner while maintaining the historical context of the collections we manage. Just as language, classification, and cultural context changes, so too do our methods of description. As you use historical records, you may encounter language that may be considered culturally insensitive or derogatory. Our efforts to amend our cataloging and records description are ongoing. For questions or comments, please write to AskSpecialCollections@union.libanswers.com. Your feedback in this process is greatly appreciated.