The ARL's Kay Flickinger Dockstader Collection includes over 700 photographs of hiking and skiing trips in the Adirondacks and throughout New York State. This exhibit featured prints from her Adirondack adventures in the 1930s, '40s and '50s.
Kay Flickinger
The Summits of Forests: The Photography of Kay Flickinger Dockstader and Books of Grace Hudowalski
Rocky Peak Ridge
This photograph of an unknown woman was taken on one of Kay’s conservation trips. ADK and the 46ers continue to be committed to responsible stewardship within the Adirondack Park. The area depicted was burned in a great forest fire that burned for three weeks in 1913. The fire moved up the ridge of Noonmark, over the southern part of Round Mountain to Chapel Pond and up Rocky Peak Ridge. It was followed by strong storms filled with heavy rains that washed much of the soil on the hillside away.
On Pitchoff Mt. 46ers Weekend
"The charter meeting of the Adirondack Forty-Sixers held May 30, 1948 was a memorable one topped by a brand new Forty-Sixer, the fifty-fourth on record. Notable was the decision that the list of forty-six peaks as given in Carson’s Peaks and People of the Adirondack be ‘adopted as official regardless of any correction in altitude of various peaks as may result from the recent survey.’” Hudowalski, Grace, Gowie, Orville C. 1970. The Adirondack Forty-Sixers. Adirondack, NY: The Adirondack Forty-Sixers.
Orra Phelps on Owlshead
Orra Phelps graduated from Mount Holyoke college in 1918 and taught geology at the University of New Hampshire. She earned her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1927 (one of only 12 women) and completed her internship at Albany Medical Center Hospital in 1928. She taught botany and biology in the Saratoga Springs and Fort Plain School Systems. In December 1943 she received a commission in the United States Naval Reserve as a physician. After the war, she served at the Albany Veterans Administration Hospital. Despite a demanding career, Phelps found time to edit The Guide to the Adirondack Trails, write Mountain Top Flora, contribute many magazine articles on the flora and fauna of the park, develop an 18 acre nature walk area in Saratoga, and hike the Adirondacks. Phelps finished the Northville- Placid Trail when she was 83 years old, a goal she had started working toward 50 years earlier. Her quote in the Mount Holyoke College, Class Notes, of November, 1943 reads, “Many musts to do.”
Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge
In her diary Kay wrote of this trip, “ADK-BRL [Food planned by K.F.] 46ers meeting. Beautiful trip. Left gate at Ausable Club 5:45- Sawteeth- snow over 3000’ level to Upper Lake- got a ride over river in guide boat- out to Elk Lake by 4:00.- then to Paradox L. for 46ers meeting.”