***Fall 2024 -- Apply to be a U Journey Ambassador!
Calling all Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors:
The Dean of Students Office is now accepting marketing internship applications for U Journey Ambassadors. ( Application and position description ) Applications are due September 9, 2024 by 11:59PM. Interviews will take place the following week.
Developing students to lead with wisdom, empathy, and courage:
U Journey is Union College's comprehensive plan for life and learning that occurs beyond the classroom, with particular emphasis on life skills and reflection. The goal is to align a seamless set of experiences for students from the moment they move-in until they graduate. It’s a framework for Union life and learning outside the classroom, with particular emphasis on life skills and belonging.
Whether in our residences, through clubs and teams, in our sororities and fraternities, or in our Minerva Houses, we encourage students to focus on:
● Well-being, by taking care of themselves physically and mentally
● Decision making, by managing their surroundings and thinking before acting
● Collaboration, by interacting with others and engaging difference
● Belonging, by finding role(s) in our community and developing a connection to Union and Schenectady
Your U Journey has begun. The program started in fall 2022 and will continue to expand its reach to all students in the coming years.
First-Year Experience Goals
(In partnership with the FYE Office):
- Support transitions
- Facilitate connections
- Foster a sense of belonging
- Encourage social responsibility through education
SOPHOMORE-Year Experience Goals:
- Encourage academic exploration
- Encourage career exploration
- Explore healthy relationships (sense of self and others)
- Provide leadership development activities
- Support independence
- Promote civic responsibility
- Develop global perspectives
- Inspire a personal vision
- Support next transitions
- Facilitate connections
- Foster a sense of belonging to Union
- Foster a sense of belonging in Schenectady
Meeting students where they're at on their U Journey:
Milestone Events
U Journey explores our core student development themes to provide consistent and intentional educational experiences beyond the classroom for all of our students.
FYE has stacked the first-year with special events and activities. It all starts with Move-in and Orientation. It continues with the Minerva Reveal (when you find out your Minerva House), MinervOlympics (when you compete on behalf of your Minerva House), and Minerva Mixers (when you meet the faculty and student leaders who run your Minerva). You’ll continue to have lots of opportunities to learn and celebrate with your classmates at Club Expo, your Class Photo, the Leadership Fair, and First-Year Finale to meet your new Class Dean right before you become a sophomore.Sophomores track their engagement by playing a year-long life-skills bingo activity with their Class Dean and celebrate at the "Half Way There" Ceremony.
Residential Education
Residential Education & Housing (ResEd) added new programming from your Community Directors (CDs) and Community Advisors (CAs) in your residence halls. CA Chats are designed to plug you into resources and support during your first and second years. There will be social events on your floors and in your building. CAs will also provide an array of events focused on well-being, decision-making, collaboration, and reflection.
Student Leadership
You can become a U Journey Ambassador after your first term. The Ambassadors run special events that focus on life skills (like Finance Kahoot!). They partner with offices and student organizations to offer special activities on campus (like our annual West Beach Welcome and Wellness Fair). And they do weekly drops and takeovers on social media.
Incentives for Participation
COMING SOON: Students are encouraged to participate as much as possible. Watch for updates from Student Activities on how to earn Bolt Points that turn your participation into Union swag and prizes.
Meet the U Journey Ambassadors
It takes a village to pull off the U Journey. We have student U Journey Ambassadors that serve as the voice of the program and market our initiatives. They plan pop-up events, manage our social media, and serve as hosts at various campus activities. Here's our U Journey line-up for 2023-2024:
Yaseen B., Yaseen is a first-year Biology and Psychology double major. He is from Richmond, VA. His hobbies include soccer, volleyball, pickleball, and anything Cheetos. Ask him to roll his Rs -- you will not be disappointed.
Kaydence B., Kaydence is a first-year English major from Baton Rouge, LA. She is also on the pre-health professions track. Her hobbies include volleyball, anime, and reading. She loves to have fun while also getting the job done. She has a really good memory too...like scary good.
Dani B., Dani is a sophomore Economics major from Chicago, IL. Some of her passions include cooking, bowling, and spoken word poetry. At Union, she is involved heavily in admissions work, the secretary of the Black Student Union, and does her work study in the Dean of Studies office.
Talha K., Talha is a sophomore Economics and Computer Science double major from Islamabad, Pakistan. Some of his hobbies include playing soccer, chess, and is known to be really good at mental math. He volunteered to be an orientation leader this year and he enjoys a super chill but super precise team.
Dionis P., Dionis is a senior Economics major from Bronx, NY. Some of his hobbies include cooking, playing football, and community service. He is involved in lots of areas of campus, including Student Forum and Athletics. His advice to anyone is communicate, communicate, and communicate.
Aaradhya S., Aaradhya is a first-year Economics major from Mumbai, India. He is also studying data analytics, psychology, and firm. Some of his hobbies include sports and digital video editing. He prides himself on knowing random facts about way too many things.
Blake T., Blake is a senior Economics and Political Science double major from Toronto, Canada. Some of his hobbies include hockey and speed reading. He loves to laugh with his team and is involved with Greek Life on campus.