LGBTQ+ Career and Professional Development Resources

Students that identify within the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Other Identifications/Sexualities) Community who are preparing for entry into the workforce may be faced with additional career planning challenges related to sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. The following resources are designed to assist through the planning phases during and after college.

Job Search and Networking Sites

National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Supports and advocates for diversity and inclusion for LGBT-owned businesses.

Out Professionals (OP) Non-profit networking site for LGBTQ+ professionals to assist with social, professional, and educational networking needs.

Professional Organizations

Consortium of Higher Education LGBTQ+ Resource Professionals The Consortium is an organization dedicated to supporting LBGTQ+ students, alumni, faculty, and staff professionals in the higher education environment. LGBTQ+-related job postings in higher education are featured on this site.

National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP) National organization of LGBTQ+ professionals interested and/or employed in the Science or high technology fields seeking to educate scientific communities about LGBTQ+ issues in the science and technology workplace, discuss relevant topics of science, offer networking opportunities, and improve the workplace environment for LGBTQ+ workers.