Residential Education

Winter Break Closing Information

On-campus residence halls and apartments close for break periods during the academic year. Make sure you know when to leave, when to return, and how to keep your safe space while you are gone.

Break Closing Dates


Closing: Nov. 20th at 12 PM

Opening: Jan. 5th at 10 AM

Applications open Oct. 16th

Closing: March 21st at 12 PM

Opening: March 30th at 10 AM

Applications open Feb 17th

Closing: June 13th at 3 PM for non-graduating students; June 15th at 6 PM

Summer Applications open in May

Break Closing Summary

  • Students will not have access to their rooms or belongings during the break period and should pack accordingly.
  • Only students who have completed a Break Housing Application and have been approved to stay will have card swipe access to the buildings during this time. Winter Break Housing Application will be available on October 16th in your Housing Portal.
  • Only students studying abroad or participating in a room change need to remove all items. All others can leave items in their assigned spaces.
  • Residents must complete the Closing Checklist before leaving their rooms. See an example below.
  • Health and safety checks of all rooms will be completed over the winter break period.

Break Closing Check List

As you begin to prepare your room for departure, you must be aware of your responsibilities for your space on campus. All students are required to follow the check-list below before leaving campus for winter break. There are important to keep your room safe and secure while you are away.

Students returning to their same room for Winter 2025 term are not required to remove all items. Students participating in Study Abroad or participating in a room change should fully vacate their space.

  1. All personal items are unplugged - this includes microfridges.
    1. Students living in areas with full-size appliances should not unplug appliances.
    2. We recommend unplugging your microfridge in advance to allow time for any defrosting and clean up as needed.
  2. All perishable foods are removed from room and are disposed of
  3. All garbage is removed from your room, apartment, or house and placed in designated trash receptacles
  4. No items are placed in direct contact with the heating units in your space at any time.
  5. All windows are closed and locked.
  6. All blinds are left open except those on the 1st floor who should close their blinds.
  7. All lights are turned off
  8. Change or cancel any perishable deliveries
  9. Lock all bedroom and exterior doors.

Do not forget your room/apartment key when you leave. You will need it when you return.

Checking Out of Your Space

As you prepare to depart campus for the winter break, you are required to check out your space. You may need to log into your Housing Portal to complete the self check-out process.


If you are staying in the same room for the fall and winter terms

  • and you are leaving for break at the end of the fall term
  • or at the end of an approved late stay request


If you are approved to stay for Winter Break


If you are permanently moving out of your fall assignment (including study abroad) or doing a room change for the winter term.

Please follow the Express Check Out Details below.

Express Check-Out Details

Students who wish to participate in express check-out can pick up an express check-out envelope from our office (Reamer 409) or one of our staff members in residence. Completing express checkout:

  1. Follow all closing procedures listed in the move-out checklist
  2. Close and lock your room door
  3. Retrieve and fill out an Express Check-out Envelope
  4. Drop your key in the completed Envelope and seal it
  5. Drop the full envelope in one of our Express Check-Out dropboxes (Reamer 409 or College Park Hall Lobby)